Hennessy Consulting Inc.
Phone: (303) 265-9964
Email: chris@hennessy-consulting.com
Hennessy Consulting Inc

Android Mail Client





  1. With Android mail client open, click the menu and select new account
  2. Choose other(POP3/IMAP)
  3. Enter email and password used to log into email account. 
  4. Click the “Manual Setup” or next to continue.
  5. Enter the following information:
  6. Under the protocol drop down menu choose "APOP"
  7. Email Address: Enter your full mail address (e.g., john@example.com).
  8. Userame: Name used to log into the email server, again this is your email address.
  9. Password: Email password used to log into email
  10. For POP server information enter: hennessy-conulting.com
  11. security type is none
  12. server port 110
  13. Click next
  14. For outgoing mail settings:
  15. Again user name used to access email
  16. Same with password
  17. SMTP Server: smtp.hennessy-consulting.com
  18. security : none
  19. server port 2525
  20. Check login required
  21. Click next
  22. Set name of new account
  23. finish setup